Email Marketing

Increase Sales with Professional Email Marketing

When crafting your media marketing campaigns, don’t forget to include email marketing on the list. This is a tool that often gets overlooked by companies and marketers alike, but when combined with other forms of digital marketing it provides a highly personal, economical and effective method of communicating with your customers.

What We Offer

At Capital Peak Financing we provide a full slate of email marketing services such as these:

  • Customer research and identification
  • Personalization and automation
  • Engaging welcome emails
  • Educational newsletters
  • Promotional sales letters
  • Brand promotion emails

Why You Want Us

Many businesses consider handling their email marketing needs in-house before fully understanding the time and skill that a successful campaign requires. Even large companies may find it difficult to staff the needed man-hours. To maximize the impact of this marketing strategy you need professionals who can dedicate themselves full-time to your needs.

We have a highly skilled staff with the email automation tools and expertise to create an email marketing strategy that will funnel customers into your business.

How To Move Forward Today

Contact the marketing specialists at Capital Peak Financing today to find out how we can help you integrate email marketing into your plan. We can also help with your content and social media needs and create a cohesive marketing strategy targeted to the needs of your business.